We are highlighting the uniquely and unapologetically, Madysen Clarke! Follow along to learn more about this fabulous content creator. Get advice about social media and some style inspiration!
Community Contributor: Madysen Clarke – IG @madysenclarke
Hey everyone! My name is Madysen, and I am incredibly excited to be sharing a little about being a 21-year-old content creator. To give you a little background, I am a rising senior in college. Originally I am from North Carolina but attend college in Kentucky. I started content creation back in 2020, in the midst of a pandemic, and have grown to love it ever since. I believe the perfect secret behind my content is being unapologetically myself and my unique choice of style. My goal with all my social media platforms has always been to express myself in the most authentic way, and that’s something I wanted to share here!

How to Navigate Obstacles of Social Media
With anything you do, there are always going to be a few obstacles that might make you feel inclined to stop or even quit. What I have learned when it comes to social media, it makes me feel ALL sorts of things. Angry, frustrated, mad, anxious, and insecure are just some. And other times it‚Äôs happy, proud, confident, and excited. I’ll wake up and I’ll never know what social media and content creation will make me feel like today. I think what really turned things around for me was when I finally stopped trying to post content for others. And instead started posting content I felt truly reflected me and my personality.
Advice for Other Content Creators
It’s a hard thing to do when you’re constantly comparing yourself to other accounts on social media. Wondering if you should be wearing what they are or editing your photo exactly like them. The truth is people are always inspired by others and chances are there’s someone out there who’s your biggest fan and incredibly inspired by you. The key to a great social media account is truly showing your followers exactly who you are in your content.

More About Madysen
My friends describe me as someone who is bubbly, outgoing, trendy, and loves to smile. And I think that’s something everyone who follows me on social media could probably see. My style is colorful and bold which I love. It represents my bright personality and the positive outlook I have on life. Whenever I look at my Instagram feed I couldn’t be happier with where it’s at right now, because it truly does feel like it represents who I am. I remember once when I was asked if I ever felt weird posting myself so much. And I responded with ‚Äúno if people wanted to see my friends they could follow them‚Äù. Because it’s true, it‚Äôs MY Instagram. We get so caught up with overthinking things like our very own Instagram.
Final Thoughts
Your Instagram is meant to post pictures of yourself and whatever you think is cool. You should never feel bad doing so!! I hope everyone one day can feel inspired to create content that they truly love and feel comfortable posting and not like they are being judged. While it may be hard with all the pressure and standards that society has put in place, there is so much room to tear down those obstacles and be completely unapologetically yourself!
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Don’t forget to follow Madysen @madysenclarke